The public and business await Government approval of the State Anti-corruption Program for 2023-2025 (SAP)

The public and business await Government approval of the State Anti-corruption Program for 2023-2025 (SAP)
The text of this project was developed by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention of Ukraine (NACP) with the help of a wide public discussion, in particular with the involvement of Network experts, and submitted for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
SAP is an extremely important document that defines measures for the implementation of the Anti-corruption Strategy, and should become a high-quality tool for the implementation of anti-corruption policy and the development of Ukraine as a European state.
In particular, the implementation of the document will allow:
· significantly improve the effectiveness of the general system of preventing and countering corruption;
· minimize corruption practices in dozens of the most important spheres of public life;
· to ensure Ukraine's compliance with key standards and criteria, and therefore to ensure the real possibility of Ukraine becoming a member of the EU, NATO, and OECD.
Considering the above, UNIC appeals to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to approve the SAP as soon as possible to launch the full implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy.