
We continue to introduce you to new members of the UNIC team, and today we are pleased to introduce Mariana Tekliuk, who joined us as a Manager for the coordination of long-term training programs.
MoreThe UNIC team is expanding, and new specialists are joining us, with whom we will introduce you in the coming days! Today we would like to introduce Andriy Kolotiy, our Manager of Relations with State Authorities.
On September 27, 2024, in Kyiv, a public discussion of the draft model Integrity Code, initiated by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, took place with the support of the UNODC Programme Office in Ukraine, UNIC, and the Foundation for Institutional Development - FID. The event brought together representatives from business, government bodies, and experts in ethics and compliance who are actively contributing to the formation of a corporate culture of transparency and responsibility in Ukraine.
We continue to introduce you to the participants of UNIC as part of #UNICue_business, and today it's KERNEL's turn!
On September 13, 2024, at the invitation of the OSCE, Antonina Prudko, Head of the UNIC Secretariat, joined as a speaker in the discussion "Improving the business climate and attracting investments through proper management and digitalization," which took place on the sidelines of the 31st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum in Prague.
On September 23, 2024, the OECD held consultations with representatives of public and international organizations and businesses, organized by UNIC, within the framework of the preparation of a report and recommendations for inclusion in the OECD Review

The All-Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance (UNIC) has appealed to authorities to revise draft laws No. 11443 and No. 11443-1, addressing criminal liability of legal entities for corruption offenses. UNIC provided detailed recommendations to enhance alignment with OECD anti-corruption standards in Ukraine.