UNIC launches the project “Business Integrity as a Foundation for Sound Recovery”, which will be implemented with the support of Pro-Integrity

31 july, 2024

In July 2024, UNIC signed an agreement with the USAID and FCDO Project “Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector” (Pro-Integrity) and from 01 August launches a one-and-a-half-year project “Business Integrity as a Foundation for Sound Recovery”.

Its main goal will be to improve the legal framework, create effective tools to raise awareness of the private sector, and establish an effective dialogue with the state on the implementation of international business integrity standards for transparent and ethical business in Ukraine.

The project team will work in three main areas:

  • Supporting integrity initiatives whereby the Ukrainian private sector, civil society, and government partners promote innovations in business integrity and prevent private-to-public and private-to-private corruption, including partnering to promote the integrity of foreign companies engaged in Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction.
  • Contributing to State Owned Enterprise (SOE) anti-corruption compliance, including through the promotion of OECD standards, principles and recommendations.
  • Effectively promotion through advocacy and expert contributions the OECD-related reforms and further the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) and its accompanying State Anti-Corruption Program (SACP).

“This project is an important step towards strengthening trust in Ukrainian business and increasing its competitiveness in the international arena. Together with all project partners, we aim to create an environment where ethics and transparency are the standard and core value of the company.  By introducing international integrity practices through national legislation, we will be able to ensure stability and sustainable business development in Ukraine, which is critical for our economy in the context of recovery,” said Antonina Prudko, Head of the UNIC Secretariat.

Pro-Integrity’s Chief of Party Peter Dimitroff added: “we are very proud to enter into this partnership with UNIC and look forward to working together to strengthen business integrity compliance in Ukraine, which will both strengthen the domestic economy through the reduction of corruption, as well as increase Ukraine’s attractiveness in the eyes of international investors.”

We thank our partners from Pro-Integrity for their trust and support. We are ready to work together to enhance the culture of integrity in Ukraine and improve the business environment!