UNIC promotes the implementation of OECD reforms and strengthening of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine

UNIC supports the implementation of reforms and measures aimed at strengthening anti-corruption policy in Ukraine in accordance with OECD recommendations, the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, and the State Anti-Corruption Program (SAP). These efforts are part of the project "Business Integrity as a Basis for Sustainable Recovery," implemented with the support of USAID and UK International Development.
The main tasks of the project direction:
Development of amendments to the legislation of Ukraine on the criminal liability of legal entities and the independent compliance monitor:
▪️ Development of an advocacy plan for business integrity standards
▪️ Submission of legislative proposals on the reform of the criminal liability of legal entities and the institution of the independent compliance monitor
▪️ Updating training programs for businesses based on examples related to the criminal liability of legal entities in accordance with changes in legislation
▪️ Discussion of policies and possible models for Ukraine with the involvement of key stakeholders
Strengthening the work of the NACP in accordance with OECD recommendations through expert support from UNIC and fostering a culture of integrity in business:
▪️ Development of a package of recommendations on business integrity for the OECD Review
▪️ Preparation of an alternative report for the 5th round of monitoring of Ukraine by the OECD within the framework of the Istanbul Action Plan on Combating Corruption
▪️ Translation, adaptation, and popularization of OECD materials among Ukrainian businesses
▪️ Creation of an interactive business integrity portal (in cooperation with the OECD) based on international standards
The implementation of these initiatives will raise awareness among all stakeholders on the issues of criminal liability of legal entities. UNIC will also engage in dialogue with authorities to ensure that the proposed regulatory changes provide businesses with clear rules for complying with anti-corruption requirements and state institutions with tools for their implementation.
This work is an important part of UNIC's broader goal: to strengthen Ukraine's anti-corruption infrastructure and create a competitive, transparent business environment.
This project is implemented by the All-Ukrainian Network for Integrity and Compliance (UNIC) within the framework of the project “Business Integrity as a Foundation for Sound Recovery”. This project was made possible by the support of the American and British people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK International Development as part of the Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity). The contents of this project do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the U.S. Government, UK International Development, or the United Kingdom Government.