UNIC is working to raise business awareness about standards of business integrity

The All-Ukrainian Network for Integrity and Compliance (UNIC) has launched the project “Business Integrity as a Basis for Sustainable Recovery”. The project is being implemented with the support of USAID and UK International Development within the framework of the “Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector” (Pro-Integrity) initiative.
One of the key areas of work is raising awareness among the business community about international integrity standards, particularly the OECD recommendations.
What does this area entail?
- Development of the White Book of Business Integrity Criteria of the Network, which will contain clear indicators of compliance with companies' work.
- Conducting an information campaign to popularize and demonstrate examples of transparent business practices.
- Involvement in the preparation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2025–2030, specifically promoting a culture of business integrity.
- Organizing practical training and educational events to familiarize businesses with ethical standards of business conduct and share best practices.
Work in this area contributes to the broader goal of the project: promoting transparent business conduct, improving the legal framework on business integrity and compliance, and establishing an effective dialogue between the state and the private sector.
This project is implemented by the All-Ukrainian Network for Integrity and Compliance (UNIC) within the framework of the project “Business Integrity as a Foundation for Sound Recovery”. This project was made possible by the support of the American and British people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK International Development as part of the Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity). The contents of this project do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the U.S. Government, UK International Development, or the United Kingdom Government.