UNIC supports state-owned companies in implementing anti-corruption compliance

The All-Ukrainian Network for Integrity and Compliance (UNIC) will actively work to strengthen anti-corruption mechanisms in the public sector within the framework of the project "Business Integrity as a Basis for Sustainable Recovery," which is implemented with the support of USAID and UK International Development. One of the key tasks is to promote the implementation of OECD standards and recommendations in the activities of state-owned companies (SOCs).
What does this direction entail?
- Increasing the capacity of employees of state-owned companies. This year, the Network plans to regularly organize events involving SOC representatives, including within the Compliance Officers Club. Such meetings will become a platform for exchanging experiences, discussing challenges, and implementing new solutions in the field of anti-corruption compliance.
- Implementing educational initiatives. A comprehensive modular program is being developed within the Business Integrity Academy, which aims to provide compliance officers with systemic knowledge of compliance, ethical management, and corruption prevention. One of the program modules will be entirely devoted to the specifics of building a compliance system at state-owned enterprises.
The implementation of the above measures will help increase the efficiency of compliance officers at state-owned enterprises, create conditions for reducing corruption risks, and strengthen trust in the public sector.
This direction of work on the project is an important part of UNIC's mission to spread a culture of integrity, promote transparency in the interaction between the state and business, as well as support reforms in the public sector of Ukraine.
This project is implemented by the All-Ukrainian Network for Integrity and Compliance (UNIC) within the framework of the project “Business Integrity as a Foundation for Sound Recovery”. This project was made possible by the support of the American and British people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK International Development as part of the Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity). The contents of this project do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the U.S. Government, UK International Development, or the United Kingdom Government.