The All-Ukrainian Integrity and Compliance Network has joined the jury for the Ukrainian Enterprise Promotion Awards 2024

05 september, 2024

This year, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine initiated the National Award for Contribution to the Development of Entrepreneurship—the Ukrainian Enterprise Promotion Awards (UEPA). The award recognizes projects that support small and medium-sized businesses at national, regional, and local levels.

As the national delegate for the European EEPA Award in 2023, UNIC was invited to join the UEPA jury. The jury selected winners in six categories at the national level, with two of them chosen to represent Ukraine in the European competition.

The jury included representatives from UNIC, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development, the European Business Association, the Association of Cities of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Economics, and the Ukrainian company UAPAY.

The winners in each category are:

"Encouraging the Entrepreneurial Spirit"
"New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk—Support of New Clusters of Innovative Economic Activity (NEF)" by Consortium of partners including the Executive Committee of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, Promprilad Innovation Center, METALAB Urban Laboratory, PPV Economic Development Agency, and the Warm City Platform.

"Investment in Entrepreneurial Skills"
"Boot Camp" by Kharkiv IT Cluster.

"Support of Digital Technologies"
"Climate Innovation Vouchers" by Greencubator.

"Improving the Business Environment and Supporting Business Internationalization"

"Development of International Entrepreneurship" by Executive Committee of the Pavlograd City Council.

"Sustainable Transformation Support"
"Innovate4Ukraine: Climate & Energy Action" by UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine.

"Responsible and Inclusive Entrepreneurship"
"Impact Business Accelerator" by Impact Force.

The grand prize for the most creative entrepreneurial initiative was awarded to the "Development of International Entrepreneurship" project by the Executive Committee of the Pavlograd City Council.

The jury selected the "Climate Innovation Vouchers" and "New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk—Support of New Clusters of Innovative Economic Activity (NEF)" projects to represent Ukraine at the EEPA, where they will showcase their initiatives at the award ceremony in Hungary.

The National Ukrainian Enterprise Promotion Awards 2024 is an initiative of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, and the Office for Entrepreneurship Development and Export. It is supported by the EU4Business: SME Policies and Institutions Support (SMEPIS) project, implemented by Ecorys in consortium with GIZ Ukraine, the Office of Effective Regulation BRDO, and CivittaUkraine, with financial support from the European Union in Ukraine.