Astarta-Kyiv Agro-Industrial Holding became a member of the Network

We are pleased to welcome a new member to the UNIC community - Astarta-Kyiv Agro-Industrial Holding. The company produces food products with a focus on global markets. Its core business is concentrated in crop production, sugar industry, dairy farming, soybean processing, grain logistics, and bioenergy.
Glib Bakalov, Chairman of the UNIC Executive Committee: ‘We are pleased to see Astarta, one of the leaders in the agricultural sector, among the community of Ukrainian and international companies that conduct their business with integrity and transparency. The UNIC members, of which Astarta is now one, not only adhere to high ethical standards in their business, but also demand the same from their counterparties and suppliers. Thus, they extend and promote the practices of integrity and corporate compliance to their business partners. I am confident that participation in such a collective action initiative as UNIC, created with the help of such respected organisations as the Business Ombudsman Council, the EBRD and the OECD, will be a significant support for Astarta in maintaining its status as a reputable partner for foreign investors, buyers and lenders.’
‘Astarta's role is not limited to the production of agricultural products and support of Ukraine's food security. Our mission is to inspire society by setting an example of doing business on the principles of fair partnership, ethics and sustainable development. That is why we not only conduct our business transparently, with integrity and ethics, but also encourage our partners to work according to these principles. We also cooperate with communities on the same basis: we implement social impact projects aimed at improving the quality of life of Ukrainians, increasing their self-sufficiency, supporting veterans and families of military personnel, and small and medium-sized businesses. By joining the UNIC Network, we will be able to work together to increase the level of integrity of Ukrainian business,’ said Lilia Lymanska, Astarta's CFO.
Among the anti-corruption initiatives implemented by the company, representatives of the company noted the work of the Trust Line, which encourages a culture of openness, transparency, partnership and creates a culture of intolerance to fraud and corruption by maintaining a dialogue with employees and partners based on trust and mutual respect. It is also worth mentioning a number of the company's social initiatives: the humanitarian platform Common Help Ukraine, regional entrepreneurship development projects Smilіvі, Kurse na Nezalezhnist, Krylі, and the creation of Resilience Centres to build self-reliance and mutual assistance for everyone in local communities.
We thank Astarta for its willingness to take responsibility and strengthen the culture of business integrity in Ukrainian business. We sincerely look forward to fruitful cooperation, exchange of experience and are ready to create a more ethical and sustainable business environment in Ukraine together!